How to Operate Cable Harness Tester “nacman”

Learn basic cable harness tester operation in video manuals!

We provide video manuals to help you better understand our products.
Please check it out to help you in considering the purchase of this product.
It is also useful as learning videos for the operators.

These videos are intended to help you understand the operation from setup to completion of the harness testing.
Please watch another video or contact us for more detailed settings.

Hi-Pot Cable Harness Testers Operation in Stand Alone (for NMG+/NMK)

PC Software WireExpress Hi-Pot for Cable Harness Testers (for NMG+/NMK/NM1500P/NM1500K)

Cable Harness Testers Operation in Stand Alone (for NMC60+/NMC128+/NMA/NMF)

PC software WireExpress for Cable Harness Testers (for NMC128+/NMA/NMF)

PC software MD analyzer for Moment Disconnection Analyzer/Tester NMS10