Electrical Knowledge
Electrical knowledge
What is the basic testing for wire harness??
What determines the test voltage for withstand voltage test and insulation test?
Are 64 applications performed to test the wire harness of 64 circuits in the high voltage testing? Is there a good way to save time??
Must Dielectric Withstand Testing be performed for 1 minute (60 seconds)?? There seems to be a case that is completed in one second.
A short wire harness passes the high voltage testing. However, why does the same type become NG when the length is long??
Can we find the proximity of the conductors on the terminals and processed parts in the high voltage testing?
Why do failed results increase during the rainy season and on rainy days in insulation testing??
What is Insulation Resistance Testing for wire harnesses??
The easiest way to make a harness testing jig with NMADP-03
What is Momentary Disconnection??
How to connect cable harness testers and adapters
What is Momentary Disconnection Testing for wire harnesses & connectors??
What is a harness testing adapter??
What is a relay adapter??
What criteria should be used for wire harness testing??
What is an adapter cable??
With the wire harness tester, can you find the incomplete crimping at the terminal or the disconnection of the wire??
What is a spring probe (contact probe)??
There are about 5,000 inspection points. How long does it take for the wiring testing??
Why are the wiring test thresholds different for each company??
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